External Wall Appraisal
The objective of this service is to provide a comprehensive review of the external wall systems for the requested building(s) using the PAS 9980 methodology. This review aims to determine the adequacy of the external walling system(s) to inform the building's Fire Risk Assessment and any required remedial works to minimize the risk to life safety.
The scope of the service includes determining whether the building is "in-scope" for a Fire Risk Assessment of External Walls (FRAEW), providing a survey plan outlining proposed opening up locations, conducting a desktop review of design documentation (where available), any previous survey data, and the building’s Fire Risk Assessment.
A destructive survey will also be conducted on the external wall systems present on the building(s) to determine the composition, understanding of compartmentation in the system, and the quality of workmanship.
A comprehensive report will be produced that details the survey findings and a risk analysis of each wall system in FRAEW format.
A high-level scope of works will also be provided where remedial works are recommended to achieve an outcome where remedial works are no longer required, and the need for interim measures where remedial works are recommended will be assessed
RIBA 5 Fire Assurance
Remedial advisory services